Basic DOS Introduction

A tutorial that summarizes the basics of dealing with DOS, the disk operating system used on IBM-PC computers before Windows made an appearance.

Below are the 25 screenshots that make up this tutorial. Click on each thumbnail to expand it and/or move through all 25 (assuming you have JavaScript active for this site).

DOS 001 Title Screen Title screen: Intro to DOS.
DOS 002 Operating Systems Operating systems.
DOS 003 Parts of DOS Parts of DOS.
DOS 004 Input-Output System Input/Output system.
DOS 005 Command Processor Command Processor.
DOS 006 Starting the Computer Starting the computer.
DOS 007 Default Drive Default drive.
DOS 008 Device Names Device names.
DOS 009 Rules for Filenames Rules for filenames.
DOS 010 DOS Commands DOS commands.
DOS 011 Command Syntax Command syntax.
DOS 012 Disk Directory Disk directory.
DOS 013 CLS VER and VOL Commands Three simple commands (CLS, VER, and VOL).
DOS 014 Date and Time Date and Time.
DOS 015 FORMAT Format disk.
DOS 016 Additional Comments Additional comments.
DOS 017 Erasing and Renaming Files Erasing files and renaming files.
DOS 018 Copying Files Copying files.
DOS 019 COPY to Concatenate Copy command tricks.
DOS 020 COPY CON to Create a TXT File Use copy to create a text file.
DOS 022 TYPE Typing a file.
DOS 023 DISKCOPY Backing up a disk.
DOS 024 CHKDSK Checking the disk.
DOS 025 Notes Notes.