On-going Virus Information

There are many sources for virus information; some are even accurate.

The first place to check often is the web site of your anti-virus provider. There you should find alerts for the latest viruses, information about using their product in the most efficient manner, and, of course, the latest updates. Often you will also find you can join a mailing list and receive upgrade and alert notices automatically via E-mail.

You can also check other anti-virus software vendor sites for their latest alerts and, if you have time and bandwidth to spare join their mailing lists as well. The tutorial has a list of anti-virus software vendors.

One good general information source is the About.com anti-virus site [since moved to a new location]. It has links to software and information that can help you. The Guide at that site keeps the information fresh…

https://www.lifewire.com/learn-how-antivirus-4102748Web Link

There are several usenet newsgroups dedicated to computer viruses. Of these, comp.virus is the best largely because it is moderated by virus experts so the trash postings are suppressed. Unfortunately, the moderator(s) have not been able to process messages very often and so the newsgroup has been quiet for a long time now. The alt.comp.virus newsgroup is often active as an alternative but there are a considerable number of posts in the group that offer either no benefit or are just plain wrong. Use caution if you read alt.comp.virus or any of the other related alt groups.

There are many more sources of information listed in the alt.comp.virus FAQ. It’s posted regularly to alt.comp.virus and comp.virus.

Specific Virus Descriptions

Some anti-virus vendor sites have databases describing specific viruses in varying detail. Check the FAQ link just above for some links or check the AVP, Data Fellows, Symantec, and McAfee vendors sites (click on the anti-virus software link).

Different vendors sometimes have different names for the same virus. If you can’t find a particular virus on one site, check another. You can also check the Virus GREP database which attempts to cross reference all the different virus names. See:

http://www.virusbtn.com/VGrep/Web Link


Books which may be of use (a few of these are somewhat dated but still of some value for learning the basics):

Book - Viruses Revealed Book - Bigelow's Virus Troubleshooting Pocket Reference Book - Malicious Mobile Code Book - Virus Proof Book - Computer Viruses Book - A Short Course on Computer Viruses

No matter where you get your information, be certain you know the qualifications of the source. Something called the False Authority Syndrome often applies when it comes to virus information.

Current Threats

The feeds here are provided by the sites mentioned and the information content belongs to those sites.

[hungryfeed url=”http://www.f-secure.com/exclude/vdesc-xml/latest_50.rss”]

[hungryfeed url=”http://www.symantec.com/xml/rss/listings.jsp?lid=latestthreats30days”]


  • Anti-virus vendor sites are a good source of continuing information.
  • Follow discussions on the newsgroups with great care.
  • Know the qualifications of sources from which you get information.

Thank you for your attention. That’s the end of the tutorial itself. The remaining pages are stand-alone pages linked to by various other pages in the tutorial.

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